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Masterpiece Restoration Exclusives

Did you know that most of the reproductions of historical art available today are low resolution?

This means that millions of homes around the world hold copies of masterworks that are unfortunately blurred, faded, and indistinct.

At Masterpiece Restoration, we take classic works then apply a suite of cutting edge digital technologies, and the human hand, to restore them to their rightful glory

Our Prints are:

  • Bigger

The high resolution nature of our digital files allows them to be printed at life-size ...and beyond.

  • Brighter

The latest ink and printing methods combined with digital technology allows the colours in our prints to be richer and more vibrant.

  • Bolder 

With higher resolution comes greater detail and clarity. It's no understatement to say its like having the museum original in your own home.

  • Better!

Bigger, brighter and bolder equals a better quality print. If you don't agree, then we'll happily refund you.